ShipMyRide Shipping

Auto Shipping in Morden

Auto Shipping in MordenLocated in the Pembina Valley, Mordern is a city in the region of southern Manitoba, Canada. Morden Manitoba is located about 11 kms west to the city of Winkler and close to Pembina Valley Provincial Park. Morden, Manitoba is surrounded by the Rural Municipality of Stanley.

Morden, Manitoba was originally called Cheval. Morden can de considered to be born in 1882, when the Canadian Pacific Railway built a railroad through where Morden is located now.

The railway called Mort Cheval Creek had an intersection and what used to be called Cheval. Cheval was a famous place for resting because it provided clean water for drinking and for locomotives.

Morden was incorporated as a municipality on January 1st of 188, but it was until August 24, 2012 that the Manitoba government granted the city  status to Morden.

ShipMyRide is more than glad to tell our auto transport customers from Morden, Manitoba that anytime you might need a car being shipped to you or you need to ship it somewhere else, ShipMyRide is the car carrier company you are looking for.

If you have any questions about auto transportation  in Canada, don’t hesitate on calling us. We will be more than glad to assist you with any car shipping inquiries you might have.

Ship My Ride – Contact Information 

#2 – 9440 48th Street SE
Calgary, AB T2C 2R2

Call us: 1-888-875-SHIP (7447)

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