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There is one reason Ford has been one of the favorite brands for so many years when it comes to the car industry, and that is: Ford has been manufacturing high-quality and affordable mainstream cars since 1903 when the company released their first vehicle ever, The Ford Quadricycle.


Numbers don’t lie, and neither do customers. According to Ford’s 2013 annual sales report, during December 2013, Ford became the best-selling car brand in the United States with sales figures surpassing the $2,412,224. Some of the highlights we can find on the report are the following:


There are many ways to explain Ford’s success in the market, one of many factors that can explain Ford’s popularity among the consumer, is that, not only Ford manufactures car models with really good and strong engines, but they’re also stylish, and most of the times, they have a neat interior.

Another obvious reason is their availability; you can find any Ford model at any car dealer’s place. Ford has a model for every type of consumer. They target the younger market with models such as the Fiesta, at the same time, they target a higher-income market with their very well-known luxury branch, Lincoln.