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Who doesn’t like BMW’s? Let’s take a step back in time to see how this successful car manufacturer achieved to become one of the most important brands in the automobile industry.
BMW is a German automobile, motorcyle and engine manufacturing company founded in 1916. An interesting fact about BMW is that the company started in the aircraft-engine production, but due to some legal restrictions the company had to stop producing those. After that, the brand started in the motorcyle-engine production business in Germany. Continuously, the brand began manufacturing automobile engines.

When you hear BMW, you probably think about a luxury car brand with really high prices. And indeed, that’s what it is. However, BMW is considered to be one of the highest quality car manufacturers in the automobile industry today. BMW has presence all over the globe due to their subsidiaries in key regions of the world such as: Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, India, Japon, Mexico and more.

Many people assure that the consumer has a special affection towards BMW car models, because of its image more than anything. Some other people assure that they like BMW because of its high performance on the road. Whether it is BMW’s sophistcated image and models, or its really good quality engines and interiors, one thing is for sure: BMW sales keep increasing year by year.

According to BMW’S 2013 annual report, the high profile car manufacturer sold over 2,117,965 units alone in one year, representing an increase of 7.9% from 2012’s total sales. Their best selling branch is the BMW with 1,811,719 units sold, followed up by the MINI with 302,183 units sold and the super-luxury Rolls-Royce comes third with 4,063 units sold.
