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One thing is for sure, Volkswagen wasn’t that huge back in the day. However, the car manufacturer brand has catched up with its competitors in such a short period of time.
Volkswagen wasn’t very well known in America until they released the popular Beetle model in the 30’s. Here’s a funny fact, the Beetle wasn’t actually called the Beetle by Volkswagen until 1967 when Volkswagen began using the name in marketing materials. It was widely accepted by the general public.

Although, Volskwagen doesn’t have many memorable car models other than the AUDI, they have managed to stay in the market for so many years. This is due to many factors. Many people assure that Volskwagen gives you a unique feel of solidity that only BMW’s and Mercedes give you, except for half the price. There’s some other people who assure Volkswagen has extremely good quality interiors, being fit and finish, unlike its competitors.

For Martin Winterkorn, the person who runs Volkswagen, his goal is more than just topping GM and Toyota financially. “By 2018, Volkswagen will be the world’s most profitable, fascinating, and sustainable automobile manufacturer.”

As of now, it seems like Volskwagen is in a good path, according to Volkswagen’s 2013 sales annual report they managed to surpass the 9.5 million units sold. which represents an increase of 4.1% from 2012’s total vehicles sold. We’ll keep an eye on Volkswagen to see how the car manufacturer does in 2015 and see if it can reach their goal set back in 2013.
